You are aware of the news of the death of Mr Candi Granés and we are filled with sadness given all that he has represented throughout these years: personally to us, as a parent; and professionally, as an owner and President of the INOXPA GROUP, right to the very end.
We can do no more than offer you our heartfelt thanks for all the demonstrations of support we have received and for the trust that you have shown in us all through these years.
INOXPA was, is and will always be his great project. He dedicated his whole life with determination, perseverance and a vision of the future to position INOXPA as a multinational company and a leader in the sector and this would not have been possible without the work and effort of each of you and of those who have been part of INOXPA’s history.
The Board of Directors of the company, and the family of Mr Granés, are very clear that the project will continue with the same spirit that Mr Granés brought to it. All the rearrangements of the last few months have been carried out, as always, under the guidance of Mr Granés himself and with the aim of consolidating the project and of giving it an autonomy and professionalism which will provide continuity in the future. For this reason, we would like to convey our full confidence in the normal functioning of the INOXPA GROUP, its activities, projects and agreements as it has been doing up until now. The values and the dedication and conscientiousness that have governed INOXPA to this point will be maintained and, if necessary, reaffirmed in this new phase.
Many thanks to all of you and for the many years we have continued to work together.
The Granés Family and the Board of Directors of INOXPA Group